Floods, leaks, sewage backups and extreme rainfall all have the potential to ravage your property from the ground up.


When your crawl space becomes wet, it transforms into a fertile breeding ground for mildew and mold. But controlling moisture and stopping it from spreading can make a huge difference.

And that’s why a crawl space vapor barrier is such an important addition to your home.

Installing Crawl Space Vapor Barriers

What is a crawl space vapor barrier? A simple polyethylene sheet fitted to cover the floor and some of the walls in your crawl space. The seams are sealed with robust tape to maximize its impact.

Installing crawl space vapor barriers may sound simple, but it’s vital to get right. You may struggle to seal the seams and cover the area effectively if you try to do it yourself. Trusting experts to install your vapor barrier instead is highly recommended.

Seasoned professionals in water damage restoration can install crawl space vapor barriers quickly and easily.

Why Install Crawl Space Vapor Barriers?

There are several good reasons to fit crawl space vapor barriers in your property.

Reduce dampness entering your home

The crawl space vapor barrier helps to prevent moisture build-up in the air, cutting it off before it can affect your structure.

This reduces the likelihood of wood-rotting and metals rusting. And that means less need to pay for repairs or replacements in the future.

Combat mold formation

Mold spreads by releasing airborne spores. Anyone living in a property with mold-infested crawl spaces may inhale said spores countless times each day.

According to the CDC, mold has the potential to cause health issues like:

  • coughing
  • eye irritation
  • wheezing
  • skin irritation
  • worsened asthma

Mold can be particularly dangerous for children and adults with weakened immune systems. But it’s bad for your property too. Mold may impact structural integrity over time, rendering your beloved home a potential hazard.

Minimize the Danger of Damaged Electrics

Electrical systems and water don’t mix well. We all know this. But you’re putting yourself and loved ones at risk if you

allow moisture to penetrate any area close to your electrics.

Water damage could lead to:

  • rusted wires/components
  • electrical shorts which disrupt your home life and cause severe inconvenience
  • fires

And that’s not all. If you interact with an electrical system after it’s become moist, you could be electrocuted. This may or may not be fatal. But it might still mean weeks away from work.

Take Action, Stay Safe

Installing crawl space vapor barriers helps you avoid these threats with minimal effort. You’ll protect your family against moisture-related problems and know your property is less likely to suffer expensive damage.

Any water build-up in or around your property must be dealt with — immediately.

Petaluma Restoration is a fully-licensed restoration company. Our team has years of valuable experience, in-depth training and hands-on success dealing with water-related disasters.

We’ll handle your home’s cleanup and restoration after floods, sewage leaks and more.